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Is lesbian optional?

We don;t really have lesbian focused content now (hence why it's in "planned tags") but when it will be added, it will be optional

This game is awesome, but did ivmiss something ? How do i get computer password ???



We give the password as one of the benefits for our Patreon subscription

Hey, I'm having trouble downloading the Android Version. When I go to the Google Drive download it say that the quota is exceeded from too many users trying to download the file. The Mega download doesn't work either. That one says that the file has been removed.

Thanks for noticing that!

Mega link was fixed, should work now

I am presently having the same issue with the Windows version

Hey, thanks for the report. We fixed the issue.

man, the faces throw me off. i hope we get updated visuals. and also a little less obsession for unrealistically large boobs.

I went download and update the android version and told it was not available as it conflicts with existing patches version .11 I took a screen shot of what exact words it says if need but looks like will have to delete old and downloaded new .12

Hello! Thank you for your report we are aware of the issue and working on fixing it. Right now the solution is to delete last version and download a new one.

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The game is very good, the story is not boring, but if you take my advice, the character's expressions are less visible when sad, happy, afraid, angry. The character expressions are not very prominent, but everything is good starting from the character design, place design, mechanisms. It's good but the expressions are lacking, keep up the enthusiasm for making the game, I'm waiting for the next update. 

(Sorry for bad English, I can talk English a little bit) 


Mac downloaded don't work

Thanks for report, will look into that


Maybe Pregnancy?

(1 edit)

We don't have anything like this in mind... at least for now


Maybe not right now but for end game maybe?? 


Maybe ;) A few girls want kids in the future.

Ok good luck with game 🥰



I didn't finish the current version yet, but i'm deffinitly a fan now. Really hard to stop playing.


Completed the game and i'm a fan now


I remember playing this game when I was sick, it's like I'm playing this game in my head, it won't stop until I fall asleep.

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I am very much looking forward to the planned tags.

Actually i just played through it. One of the best games of this type i played before. You are definetly matching your ambitions

Help, i can't install the game on my android after i have finished download the game file in drive. 

Hello. Everything should be fine with the apk, do you have enough space to install the game?


I would like to say that this game is one of the best games I've played it has an interesting story I would like to continue playing and the girls are also fantastic. Looking forward to the upcoming version!

Wait, no mind control?

Judging by the premise, that's surprising.


Very good. I havent played very long but i can tell its going somewhere. Good sized buttons for android. The girls are a bit too alike, makes me think they are all related.... wait thats not a bad thing. Keep up the good work



Looking forward to what this game has to offer.


Android version in future pls


Android version will be released in the near future!


Thx 😊


The near future is here and so is the android version!